6.4 MSEK for research about maritime incentives and instruments
The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) and Gothenburg University have received 6.4 million swedish kronor to analyze which instruments and measures are most cost effective to reduce shipping emissions.
- There is a great need for knowledge about how shipping effects on the environment can be reduced and with this project we will help to increase knowledge significantly. We do this with the help of our expertise in both transport economics and the environment, Tomas Svensson, Director General of VTI, says in a press release from VTI.
Emissions from shipping have been regulated to a lesser degree than land-based emissions. The issue is complex as the rules for emissions from shipping are predominantly determined at the international level. The purpose of the project is to recommend cost-effective combinations of instruments that can contribute to meeting four of the environmental quality objectives decided by the Swedish Parliament, that is, limited climate impact, fresh air, only natural acidification and no eutrophication.
The project is financed by the Swedish Transport Agency and Vinnova. The project will be finished by the end of 2019.
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