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After the survey – the buzz is growing

After the survey – the buzz is growing

15 April 2019

In February, Business Region Göteborg presented a survey that showed that the shipping industry in West Sweden is weaker than in our neighboring countries. At the same time, a Lighthouse pre-study study that declared that shipping must be seen more to attract new skills was released. "It probably has had an impact, because the buzz is growing", Madeleine Johansson at Business Region Gothenburg, says.

The shipping industry in West Sweden has a tough time. Since the economic crisis in 2008, the number of employees has fallen by one third - from just over 9,200 employees to just over 6,500. This was revealed in a study that Business Region Göteborg published in February.

“We can only speculate on what lies behind the numbers. What we know is that a major crisis occurred and that several major companies disappeared from certain municipalities,” Madeleine Johansson, who led the survey, says.

So how did the industry react to these disappointing results?
- We haven't had any reactions at all. But this is just a numerical survey and therefore, as we wrote in the report, we are curious about what the industry thinks. What do they have to say about the numbers? Are they linked to specific challenges and trends? They might have other explanations why it looks like it does. In late May, a colleague of mine will have a dialogue meeting with companies in the industry.

A report which Madeleine Johansson thinks has had an impact is a Lighthouse pre-study on the skills supply within the Swedish marine and maritime industry. The study, which states, among other things, that the industry has a need of recruiting competence turns take a closer look on Norway and how the country has worked successfully with industry- clusters and competence centers.

“It probably raised a lot of questions. I don´t know if it is directly linked to the pre-study, but the competence supply issue has really been brought to life”, Madeleine Johansson says.Related content: 

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