Blue growth calls for 7,5 million euro
This year, three calls for proposals will be launched under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund to foster blue growth across Europe.
The calls 'Blue careers', 'Blue labs' and 'Blue technology' will respectively help enhancing career opportunities in the maritime economy, stimulating the creativity of young researchers and set-up cooperations that will help bring research results to the market in promising blue growth technology areas. On 5 April 2016, from 09:30-13:00 The European Commission is organising a Launch Event to present those calls.
About Blue Careers in Europe
In it’s call for proposals about blue careers in Europe the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, EMFF, writes about existing skills gaps in the blue economy. The scarcity of skilled personnel, especially technicians limits the growth of the industry. And the shortage of skilled staff is likely to increase unless training and education is improved.
The shortage of people in the blue economy is also linked to factors such an ageing workforce and perceived lack of career opportunities. Therefore there is a need to fill the existing skills gaps in the blue economy.
EMFF states that proposals submitted under the call for blue careers must provide concrete and effective responses to at least one of the following challenges.
- Attract higher education graduates or persons with a vocational/technical qualification to maritime professions through targeted and innovative education and/or training initiatives (including career guidance);
- Retrain and upskill workers employed in other sectors and/or people currently unemployed for a job in the blue economy;
- Diversify and expand the skills of people currently employed in the blue economy to progress in their career and/or to facilitate their mobility to other maritime jobs.
About Blue Labs - innovative solutions for maritime challenges
A number of EU programmes are supporting research and innovation in the blue economy. The "Blue Labs" action under this call for proposals, aims to build on the results of relevant projects and support innovative and multidisciplinary approaches that can help move those results forward closer to the commercial stage.
In order to ensure the EU added value of supported activities, the development of solutions have to be tailored to the specific problems or needs of one or more sea basins surrounding the EU coasts (Mediterranean, Atlantic, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Black Sea).
The proposals submitted under the Blue Labs action must develop the following specific elements:
- leveraging young peoples’ skills and creativity and increasing awareness of marine challenges and opportunities;
- supporting pioneering partnerships between maritime stakeholders and fostering multidisciplinary approaches by combining competences from businesses, the public sector and research bodies;
- supporting enhanced cooperation and coordination amongst maritime stakeholders at local and sea basin levels (including at sub-region level of the sea basin), whilst capitalising on local stakeholders’ knowledge.
The call for Blue Technology has not been announced yet.
More informationen about the information day here.
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