Efforts for a fossil-free freight transport system
The Swedish Transport Administration invests up to SEK 480 million in the next 12 years for research in the field of fossil freight transport.
From the Swedish Transport Administration:
January 1, 2018, a new climate law will take effect. Emissions from domestic transport, excluding flights, should decrease by at least 70 percent by 2030. Sweden as a whole shall be climate neutral by 2045. For 12 years, Trafikverket therefore finances the area "Fossil free freight transport" with up to SEK 40 million per year. The effort shall be supplemented by additional funds from academia, industry and other public activities.
In order to promote new knowledge and innovative solutions that are not yet available or available on the market, The Swedish Transport Administration invites interested consortia to collaborate and propose, describe and demonstrate solutions for a fossil-independent freight transport system.
November 20th, The Swedish Transport Administration will hold an information meeting (in Swedish) via telephone/Skype. More information here: https://www.trafikverket.se/resa-och-trafik/forskning-och-innovation/akt...
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