First call for the Mobility Program, MoRE2020
Region Västra Götaland announces a forthcoming call for experienced researchers to submit
research proposals for the Mobility for Regional Excellence 2020 programme (MoRE2020).
MoRE2020 will offer experienced researchers (in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least four years of full-time equivalent research experience) new and exciting mobility experiences in internationally renowned research and innovation milieus.
MoRE2020 has a focus on intersectorality and will require all fellows to collaborate with end-users in the public or private sector. MoRE2020 is for both incoming and outgoing researchers and aims to establish international collaboration of a high scientific quality between research and innovation milieus in Västra Götaland, Sweden and abroad.
The Call will be open from May 1 – September 1, 2017 and is available for research in one or more of the following areas: sustainable transport solutions, life science, green chemistry, marine environment and the maritime sector, urban development, material sciences, sustainable production, information and communication technologies, energy, textile/fashion/design, cultural and creative industry, food production/green industries, tourism.
The grant period is 12 months, under which time the fellow is to be employed by a research and innovation milieu in Västra Götaland. For each fellow, the MoRE2020 programme pays 870 000 SEK as a contribution to salary (including employers’ costs and contributions to social security), mobility allowance and OH costs.
For more information:
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