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Funding call for a transport-efficient society

Funding call for a transport-efficient society

01 March 2018

The Swedish Energy Agency announces approximately SEK 45 million in the new research and innovation program Transport Efficient Society (Transporteffektivt samhälle). Projects that can be supported in the call should contribute to the transition to a transport-efficient society based on equality, accessibility and resource efficiency.

A transport-efficient society means a society where effects from energy-intensive traffic such as passenger cars, lorries and airplanes is reduced. This can be done by moving to more energy-efficient vehicles / traffic types and by making transports more efficient, shortened or replaced completely. A transport efficient community planning contributes to sustainable transport and / or travel interests and travel habits.

The program's goal is to develop new knowledge by supporting research, development, innovation and demonstration that contribute to achieving a transport-efficient society that is equitable, accessible and resource-efficient.
The purpose of the call is to enable new transport-efficient innovations, such as, services, business models, planning concepts, logistics solutions, decision-making tools, and mobility and transport concepts that contribute to a transport-efficient society, through collaboration between transport system operators. Both research, development and demonstration projects are welcome.

Deadline for application 2018-05-09 23:59.

More information in Swedish at the Swedish Energy Agency website.

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