Hull cleaning guidelines on the agenda

At the moment, work is underway to prepare Swedish guidelines for hull cleaning. As a part of that work, Chalmers and Lighthouse arranged a hull cleaning and biofouling seminar and workshop.
The task, from the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, regarding new guidelines is conducted by Lena Granhag, associate professor at the Department of Shipping and Marine Technology at Chalmers.
- The purpose of the seminar was to summarize how other countries work on the development of guidelines for hull cleaning, and the environmental challenges that come with hull cleaning. At the workshop, stakeholders involved in seeking or giving permission for hull cleaning discussed the area from their different perspectives, Lena Granhag says.

The seminars international outlook was provided by Eugene Georgiades (pictured), Biosecurity risk analysis, Ministry for Primary Industries, New Zealand and Frank Stuer-Lauridsen from Litehauz ApS, Denmark. Other speakers were Chalmers researchers Erik Ytreberg, Dinis Oliveira and Lena herself. The speakers presentations are available below.
Marine biofouling is a problem from both the ecological and economic point of view. Fouling means that a ship's fuel consumption increases and hence the vessel's environmental impact. Hulls that are not clean may bring alien species into new waters. But hull cleaning is complicated. The cleaning can lead to contamination of water from both biological material, including invasive species, and chemicals from antifouling paints.
- The day was very rewarding and I'm very happy that so many different stakeholders participated and contributed with their unique skills and experiences on these issues, says Lena Granhag
What do you bring with you from the day?
- I'll take with me the need of clear standards regarding the release of chemicals (from antifouling paints) and biology (alien species). It will make it easier for everyone who works actively with hull cleaning and the assessment of the environmental impact.
What will happen next?
- Now we will continue to work with the project, and together with a reference group, produce supporting documentation that can be used for future guidance for hull cleaning.
Elin Frändberg, ny koordinator på Lighthouse
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