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International Ports and Port-Cities conference coming up!

International Ports and Port-Cities conference coming up!

03 May 2017

In these times of great change, the Ports and Port-Cities – Post 2030 conference will address issues facing ports worldwide, taking into consideration their multiple functions and relations.

The conference Ports and Port-cities - Post 2030 is arranged by Lighthouse together with the World Maritime University (WMU), Region Skåne, The City of Malmö, Resilient Region Association, Swedish Maritime Technological Forum and Ports of Sweden. It will take place in Malmö 6-8 November, 2017 and will provide inspiration and guidance for industry, decision makers, and researchers from a broad range of subject areas.

The conference supports the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda and in particular Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.

Read more and register at the conference website


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