Lighthouse intensifies work on feasibility studies
During 2016 Lighthouse will run three different feasibility studies aimed towards the Lighthouse vision about a competitive, sustainable and safe maritime sector with a good working environment.
Lighthouse second programme committee meeting this year has gone through the feasibility studies which dealt with everything from energy efficiency to safety at sea. - It is important that the feasibility study will lead to something, like a programme or a project, Karl Garme, researcher at the Royal Institute of Technology and member of the programme committee, says. Lighthouse activities are based on ten priority areas and the feasibility studies Lighthouse finances must develop at least one of these areas. As example, the studies may deal with alternative energy for ship propulsion and energy supply or sustainable working life within shipping. Another prerequisite is that the feasibility studies is conducted in cooperation between several players in the industry and academia.
The programme committee’s assessment of the projects is now handed over to Lighthouse Board.
- There are many interesting proposals with renowned participants and there is great potential that we can contribute to the necessary development of the maritime sector, Åsa Burman, Director at Lighthouse, says.
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