Lighthouse postdoctoral programme - unique focus on maritime research
The Swedish Maritime Competence Centre, Lighthouse, is working for a competitive, sustainable and safe maritime sector with a good working environment. Now we take the next big step for a sustainable future and launch a unique postdoctoral programme where industry, society and academia come together to promote research, development and innovation.
Lighthouse Postdoc programme gives a minimum of four researchers the chance to immerse themselves in important issues for the maritime sector. The programme is implemented together with Chalmers, KTH, Linnaeus University and University of Gothenburg and financed by Vinnova, Sweden´s innovation agency, with funds to Lighthouse as a Swedish maritime competence centre.
- This is a collaboration between four universities and the industry, and it is the first time we launch a postdoctoral programme within the maritime sector. We are committed to research and innovation within the maritime sector and we also see this as a great and important contribution to the implementation of the Swedish maritime strategy, Åsa Burman, director of Lighthouse, says.
A strong knowledge base required
The Swedish Government's maritime strategy is based on the vision of competitive, innovative and sustainable maritime industries which contribute to increased employment, reduced environmental impact and an attractive living environment. A long-term sustainable development of the maritime sector requires a strong knowledge base and innovation where regions, industry, academia, institutes and public sector work together.
- The postdoc programme will strengthen and renew the maritime research and in the long term contribute to the development of a strong national multi-disciplinary research area in an area that is of great importance for the progress of the society, says Per Cramér, Dean at the at the School of Business, Economics and Law at the University of Gothenburg.
- My hope is that postdoctoral program will contribute to even better cooperation between maritime research institutions, and that we will get better tools to make maritime transport even more sustainable, says Kjell Larsson, Professor, Kalmar Maritime Academy, Linnaeus University
Be a part of the Lighthouse community
As a Lighthouse postdoc you will be employed by one of the of universities included in the programme, but also be a part of the Lighthouse community and work close to the maritime industry and the public sector.
- The postdoctoral programme strengthens the maritime research in Sweden and Chalmers. We also hope that the international competitiveness will be strengthened, says Mats Viberg, First Vice President, Chalmers University of Technology.
- We see of course that a postdoctoral programme will revitalize our research at KTH. My expectation is that the programme with its nationwide support, will strengthen Sweden's research further through increased cooperation, Jakob Kuttenkeuler, Professor, Royal Institute of Technology, says.
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