Lighthouse's focus and prioritized areas
Today about 90 percent of all goods are transported by sea. An increasing demand for transportation and the need for a long-term sustainable transport system are challenges for the entire transport sector. Both aspects are crucial in order to create long-term social welfare. It requires development in different parts of the transport system in a much greater pace than before, both with regards to shipping and the shipping sector´s role and function in an intermodal transport system.
Lighthouse is focusing on long-term development, research and innovation and is supplemented by platforms such as the Zero Vision Tool. Skill supply and capacity building within all areas are important for a competitive and sustainable maritime sector in the short- and long-term.
Shipping and marine technology – a Swedish area of strength
Sweden and its shipping companies, marine technology companies and academies and institutes within the maritime arena are well known around the world for being progressive and knowledgeable. Swedish academies and institutes that are focused on maritime issues are also in the absolute forefront of research and innovation.
With a growing global population and with rising prosperity, the world trade will continue to grow; as well as the world fleet, making the need and possibilities for an effective, sustainable shipping more important than ever. Lighthouse strives to develop the sector further and to enhance Sweden's role as a key player in the future of shipping in broad areas such as industry conditions and business models as well as innovations within logistics, navigation, and energy efficiency and alternative fuels.
The main financiers of research and innovation reward areas that have established collaborations between industry, academy and the public sector with a common strategic focus. With a national platform for research, development and innovation, there is a growing possibility for increased funding.
Swedish shipping can, by focusing on becoming an even stronger knowledge-based industry, consolidate its position and take a leading role in the development of future shipping.
Ten prioritized areas
The following pages introduce crucial areas accordingly to Lighthouse programme committee, with the goal of reaching Lighthouse’s vision; strengthen Swedish maritime competitiveness through innovation and meet challenges within climate change and environment, maritime safety and working conditions.
Informationsportal ska göra det enklare att utveckla och använda sjöfarten
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