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M2, new department for shipping at Chalmers

M2, new department for shipping at Chalmers

02 May 2017

From 1 May, Mechanics and Maritime Sciences, M2, is the new department for shipping at Chalmers. This since the department for Applied Mechanics and the department for Shipping and Marine Technology has joined forces.

Beginning 1 May, Chalmers will have 13 departments. The adjustment is part of major efforts under way to further develop the quality of all aspects of Chalmers operations. Eight departments are being merged in pairs to form four new departments, with some gaining additional support with one or more divisions while many remain relatively unchanged. A new department is being formed and contains a library plus two divisions. Applied Information Technology will cease to be a department at Chalmers.

"We are now creating departments that are more financially robust and more equal in size, thereby creating greater opportunities for developing different subject areas and departments better equipped to face future challenges. Through equal conditions and common working methods, we will be able to use Chalmers' resources more efficiently. The goal is to lay a sustainable, stable foundation that enables Chalmers to be a national and international leader in our scientific areas,” states Chalmers President Stefan Bengtsson.

The new department Mechanics and Maritime Sciences, with the abbrevation M2, is under way to recruit a new head of department. Meanwhile Angela Hillemyr is acting head of department.

Read about the other departments here:

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