Maritime and air transport costs to be mapped

The Swedish government has given the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) a task to develop and update the knowledge base on socioeconomic costs for maritime and air transport.
From the VTI press release:
The government task to VTI is a continuation of a previous mission (N2015 / 533 / TS). The assignment covers all modes of transport, but the focus is in shipping and aviation. VTI researchers shall update the knowledge base and figures for, among other things, costs of accidents, congestion, noise, air pollution and climate impact. The mission will also include an analysis of the socio-economic impacts, including impacts on climate and environment, to internalize external costs.
- Fair and efficient transport pricing requires further work. Continuous research and data are needed to thoroughly illuminate the transport costs to society, says infrastructure minister Anna Johansson.
VTI shall provide a interim report by 1 November 2017 and a final report on 1 November 2018.
For more details (in Swedish):
Elin Frändberg, ny koordinator på Lighthouse
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