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Meet the new Lighthouse trainees

Meet the new Lighthouse trainees

28 May 2018

Emil Andersson and Erik Lengyel are Lighthouse's two new trainees who, after the summer, will be able to work at several different maritime companies, thus gaining a broad network of contacts and unique experiences from the maritime sector.

Coming from the island Gotland, Emil Andersson has always had a close proximity to the sea. He is doing his final year at KTH. In addition to his studies in Stockholm, he has had an exchange semester at Instituto Superior Tecnicó, IST, Lisbon and, among other things, read courses in Shipyard Technology, Ocean Platforms & Ports Organization and Management.

- The fact that I as kid spent a lot of time at sea is probably a big reason for my interest in shipbuilding. Being involved in various projects in the workshop with my dad has resulted in a curiosity about how different mechanical systems work, says Emil Andersson.

What part of shipbuilding interests you the most?

- The interest is currently in the field of marine hydrodynamics combined with programming and project management. In the spring, I write my Master's degree where I apply an open source code, Nemoh, for modelling of hydrodynamic coefficients in connection with simulation of vessel movements

Why have you searched and what do you expect from the Lighthouse trainee programme?

- I see the trainee program as a good opportunity to be introduced to theindustry early and gain insight into the role of different actors. I have many thoughts and ideas and hopefully they can have a positive influence on the interesting and challenging projects I'm participating in.

Emil Andersson will spend his trainee year at Wallenius Marine, Alfa Laval and Rolls-Royce.

Erik Lengyel comes from Växjö and studies at Chalmers. Prior to the education of Naval Architect, he has studied parallel courses to become a marine engineer and a mechanical engineer. He is currently doing a thesis on how to use steel piles at quay constructions.

- My parents are from Hungary and the childhood journeys from Sweden to Hungary over the sea were probably what caused my interest in boats. It's the vessels, more than the sea that attracts me. The construction of something that is a bit different, says Erik Lengyel.

What part of shipbuilding interests you the most?

- I would like to construct something that is standardised, something like a big container or bulk carrier. Standard vessels are fun.

Why have you searched and what do you expect from the Lighthouse trainee programme?

- It looks so fun and is tailor made for us who studies Naval Architect. Everybody in my class will get great engineering jobs, but I think there are few who will get a job in shipbuilding, so the trainee program is an important part. I hope it can be a good stepping stone and that I can learn as much as it goes.

Erik Lengyel will spend his trainee year at Stena, TTS Marine, SSPA and Floatel.

Lighthouse traineeprogram

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