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Ministerial visit with focus on shipping

Ministerial visit with focus on shipping

24 May 2017

In mid-May, Isabella Lövin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate, toghether with Karolina Skog, Minister for the Environment, visited, among others, Lighthouse.

The study visit was organised by Region Västra Götaland Region and was aimed at demonstrating and discussing how the region works towards sustainable shipping. The ministers started the day with a boat trip in the port of Gothenburg and were informed about the ports actions and the work of Region Västra Götaland.

Once at Chalmers Lindholmen, the ministers visited the bridge simulator at Chalmers department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences, and then discussed sustainable shipping.

Short presentations were held by Åsa Burman, Director at Lighthouse, Erik Ytreberg, Research Assistant at M2 and Mikael Hägg, Research Director, RISE.

The study visit was organised in conjunction with the SIF Ocean event, where hundreds of experts, researchers, entrepreneurs, decision makers and investors gathered to discuss solutions that could help achieve Goal 14 of the UN Sustainability Goal. During the event, a report was submitted to Lövin, which included ten innovative solutions from different companies.

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