More carrots and sticks are needed

The Swedish climate targets will not be achieved with today's incentives, not even if shipping is integrated into the EU's emissions trading system or if the most optimistic scenarios of changes in fuel mix become reality. When the research project Carrots and sticks is summarized, the title says it all - more incentives are needed.
In the project "Carrots and sticks", a group of researchers from the University of Gothenburg and VTI have analyzed over 200 existing incentives for more than two years in order to find the most cost-effective to reduce shipping emissions. This has led to three reports, which have now been summarized in one.
“Our calculations indicate that the Swedish environmental 2030 and 2045 targets will not be achieved by continuing with today's incentives. Even the most optimistic scenarios with relatively large changes in the shipping fuel mix are not expected to lead to the attainment of the climate goals, leading to the conclusion that more and stronger incentives will be required”, the report says.
The summary section of the report clarifies a number of policy instruments and emphasizes the importance of working internationally to reduce shipping emissions to air. Swedish actors are recommended to "push for shipping to be included in the EU emissions trading system or a similar global system". If this goal is achieved, it is not enough in itself, but it is also recommended that:
• The conditions for global or regional speed reductions are investigated
• Regulations are introduced to rectify methane emissions from engines
• Sweden is looking at how increased use of LBG can take place.
When it comes to emissions of nitrogen oxides, a regional NOx fund is recommended. In addition, it is proposed, among other things, that a review will be made of how the Swedish environmentally differentiated route fees and port fees can be improved and how these can be coordinated at national and international level.
The researchers also recommend that more research and development on alternative fuels such as ammonia, hydrogen and fuel cells are carried out, and that incentives that promote the production of fuels and technological development are developed.Related content: Läs sammanfattningen här (finns ej)
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