Norway invest in sustainable autonomous systems
Last week, Norway's minister of trade and industry Torbjørn Røe Isaksen, revealed which industry and research environments will be part of the Norwegian Innovation Clusters program.
Among the ten accepted is the company cluster Sustainable Autonomous Mobility Systems, SAMS.
SAMS, is based in the Oslo Fjord region, but works at a national level with value creation linked to autonomous systems for all types of transport.
The cluster consists of 20 members of which Kongsberg Maritime is the largest.
"We are pleased and very proud that SAMS has been accepted in the ARENA program in fierce competition with 32 applicants from industrial clusters across the country. Autonomy is one of the areas where Norway can take a significant position nationally and internationally if we work quickly and together, and therefore participation in the cluster program is of great importance. The members in the cluster are at the forefront of global development and are investing in tough competitive markets, which develops very quickly, says CEO of SAMS Torun Degnes in a press release.
In order to develop autonomous systems that contribute to society, it is necessary to work across borders and interact with different sectors and subjects. It is also important to compete globally. SAMS’ members, who are from Brumunddal to Porsgrunn and on both sides of the Oslo Fjord, also wish all Norwegian actors and companies who wants to contribute to Norwegian industrial development in this area welcome as members - regardless of geographical location.
"It is a good Norwegian initiative to form an organization that coordinates the various companies' efforts in the field of Autonomy. We in Sweden should be able to do the same so that other industries could be involved in the investments made primarily in the automotive industry," says Harry Robertsson, chairman of the Lighthouse .
Norwegian Innovation Clusters is a government-funded program that will contribute to value creation through sustainable innovation. The program has three levels, Global Centre of Excellence (GCE), National Centre of Excellence (NCE) and Arena, and is a collaboration between Innovation Norway, Siva and Norway's Research Council.
While GCE and NCE run for ten years, the Arena programs run for 3 to 5 years.
Sustainable Autonomous Mobility Systems has been accepted as one of seven Arena programs.
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