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Oceanbird in service within five years

Oceanbird in service within five years

16 September 2020

Lighthouse members Wallenius Marine, KTH and SSPA have been collaborating for a couple of years in the wPCC (wind Powered Car Carrier) project. Now the project has entered a new phase named after the wind-powered car carrier to be constructed - Oceanbird. By the end of 2024, it will be in traffic.

The ship, which has the capacity to carry 7,000 vehicles, is powered by wind with the help of enormous height-adjustable wind power structures with a sail height of 105 meters. Thanks to a telescopic construction they can be lowered, resulting in a vessel height above water line of approximately 45 metres.

This comes in handy when passing under bridges or if the surface area of the wingsails needs to be reduced due to strong winds. To be able to get in and out of harbours – and as a safety measure – the vessel will also be equipped with an auxiliary engine. Powered by clean energy, of course.

Oceanbird will be able to cross the Atlantic in around 12 days. A standard cargo ship can make the crossing a little faster (eight days), but Oceanbird will leave 90 percent less emissions.

The main partners in the project is Wallenius Marine, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and SSPA. It is supported by the Swedish Transport Administration, which has allocated SEK 27 million for the three-year development project during 2019-2022. It is an efficient cluster collaboration that draws together experts from the public and private sectors and academia.

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