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Possibility to comment on the Swedish Maritime Strategy's follow-up work

31 August 2018

The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management has developed proposals for indicators to follow up on the work of the Swedish maritime strategy. Now the Government wants your views on the follow-up work.

The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management, has been commissioned by the government to propose a follow-up and evaluation structure for the government’s maritime strategy. The agency has now reported on its task and proposes a limited number of indicators and a process for the evaluation. The work has been carried out in collaboration with several agencies. The proposal consists of an annual follow-up and analysis of 26 annual indicators , and an in-depth evaluation that takes place every three years. The in-depth evaluation aims to provide a detailed picture and analysis of the strategy, its implementation and results.

Before the end of September there is the opportunity to comment on the proposal. The comments shall be submitted to: n.maritimstrategi(at)

Read the full proposal from the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management here (in Swedish):

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