Shipping as a Guide to Sustainable Transport - GreenPilot seminar
In order to reach the national target of fossile free transport by 2030, emission reduction in the transport sector needs to accelerate on a technical and operational level. Through the conversion of a pilot boat to operate on methanol the GreenPilot project opens up to a more sustainable and competitive coastal and inland transport.
09.00 Coffe and registration
09.30 Morning session
SSRS, Swedish Sea Rescue Society
Swedish Sea Rescue Society is responsible for 70 percent of all sea rescues in Sweden and receives no government funding. Thanks to 2.000 volunteer crew members, rescue services are always available 24 hours a day anywhere along the Swedish coast and on the major lakes.
f3, Fossil Free Fuels - Johanna Mossberg
The research carried out within f3 includes both syntheses of current research on production and use of renewable transportation fuels, and supplementing system oriented research related to different parts of the entire renewable fuels value chain.
Towards fossilfree transport 2025 in Öckerö Council - Stanley Olsson
The municipality of Öckerö, in the northern part of the archipelago of Gothenburg, consists of ten inhabited islands. Can battery powered vessels help the municipality reach fossil free transports by 2025?
Latest developments in the GreenPilot project and visit on the GreenPilot boat
The objective of the GreenPilot project is to demonstrate that introduction of methanol as a fuel for smaller ships can improve competitive power and reduce the environmental impact.
13.00 Lunch at Långedrag Värdshus
14.00 Afternoon session
High Efficiency and Clean Methanol Engines - Martin Tunér, MOT2030 Project, University of Lund
MOT-2030 is a research project at Lund University with the aim to explain how methanol and methanol mixtures behave in partially premixed combustion (PPC) engines.
Prospects for future sustainable fuels in shipping - Julia Hansson, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute
MethaShip - Daniel Sahnen
The FReSMe Project, From residual steel gases to methanol - Magnus Lundqvist
FReSMe project, funded by H2020 EU program, aims to demonstrate the whole process that enables the CO2 captured from the steel industry to produce methanol fuel that will be used as fuel in the ship transportation sector.
The SUMMETH Project – Powering cleaner shipping on coastal and inland waterways - Joanne Ellis, SSPA
The Sustainable Marine Methanol, SUMMETH, intends to investigate methanol combustion concepts and ship fuel systems that will lead to cost effective alternatives for ship operators to reduce their emissions and carbon footprint.
Conclusions and end of day discussion
The seminar is arranged by SMTF, Scandinaos, SSPA, Swedish Transport Administration, Swedish Maritime Administration and Lighthouse.
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