Shipping business research prized
The Institution of Mechanical Engineering (IMechE) selected PhD Zoi Nikopoulou, prof. Kevin Cullinane and prof. Arne Jensen at the University of Gothenburg to be the winners of the Thomas Lowe Gray Prize for their paper about cap-and-trade market and NOx and SOx emissions.
The paper is titled: The role of a cap-and-trade market in reducing NOx and SOx emissions: Prospects and benefits for ships within the Northern European ECA. The three authors are part of the Industrial and Financial Management & Logistics Group (IFEL) at the School of Business, Economics and Law in the University of Gothenburg. Zoi Nikopoulou accepted the award on behalf of the writers team from Mike Buckland, Chairman of the Process Industries Division, at a ceremony thattook place at the Institute’s historic building on Birdcage Walk, London, which carries 160 years of heritage.
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers is one of the fastest growing professional engineering institutions. Headquartered in London, but with operations around the world, the Institution has over 111,000 members in more than 140 countries, working at the heart of the most important and dynamic industries.
Thomas Lowe Gray Prize was granted by a bequest in 1924 of £2,000 under the Will of Thomas Lowe Gray, Member 1879-1923. The bequest is used to fund a Prize to the author or authors of original papers dealing with Marine Engineering, published by the Institution during the preceding year, or for a special lecture dealing with Marine Engineering to be known as the "Thomas Lowe Gray Lecture", or as a grant in aid of any research connected with Marine Engineering.
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