Sweden supports IMO's rules for improved security

The Swedish government has today decided to support the previously agreed rules within the UN Maritime Administration IMO to raise the global safety standard for shipping.
Translated from the governments press release.
The new rules include improved fire protection rules where newly built passenger ships will undergo an evacuation analysis in the design process. In addition, a requirement for foam extinguishing systems is introduced on newly built passenger ships that have a helicopter tire. The technical requirements for certain fire protection equipment are also changed.
IMO also clarifies the rules for how inspectors should approach closed spaces in order to avoid accidents. In addition, the Code of Dangerous Goods at Sea is updated through the technical specifications of substances and articles classified as dangerous goods.
The changes are in line with government efforts to strengthen the work environment, safety and environment of global shipping. It also promotes the competition conditions for Swedish shipping.
- This is a step in the right direction for global shipping. And it is completely in line with the Prime Minister's initiative Global Deal on Sustainable Working Conditions at Global Level. As minister responsible for our shipping, I clearly see it as positive that there will be a competitive advantage for Swedish quality shipping, says Anna Johansson, Minister for Infrastructure.
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