Swedish transportation research conference 2018 - call for abstracts
Welcome to the seventh annual Swedish transportation research conference. This year’s conference will be held in Gothenburg October 15-16 in collaboration between University of Gothenburg and Chalmers University of Technology.
The conference covers all traffic modes and all transport related questions. It welcomes contributions from all disciplines and areas covering analysis, understanding, planning and evaluation of the transportation system.
Example topics
• New technologies and organizational forms impacting on logistics and transport systems
• Supply chain management
• Transport policy and societal planning processes
• Pricing, regulation, policy instruments
• Modeling and simulation of transport and logistics flows and demand
• Procurement, contracts and business models
• Transport and logistics from a service perspective
• Cost-benefit analysis and valuation
• Road user behavior
• Road safety and health
• Sustainability, environment and land use
• Intelligent and automated transport and logistics systems
• Planning of logistics and transport systems
• Terminal and storage management
• Create a meeting place for Swedish transportation researchers that provides an overview of Swedish transportation research
• Increase the professional and social interaction between Swedish transportation researchers
• Improve the collaboration and information exchange between the different disciplines and areas in transportation research
• Give professionals from authorities, consultancy companies, etc. the opportunity to take part in the latest findings of Swedish researchers
• Improve the conditions for increased mobility between different institutions in Sweden
Extended abstracts - submit no later than June 15
The primary conference language is Swedish but abstracts and presentations may be either in Swedish or English. Please write your extended abstract of two pages in the intended language of presentation and comply with the following document structure: (1) research question and brief overview of the state of the art, including relevant references; (2) method; (3) analysis and results. Research contributions from universities, research institutes, consultancies and authorities are equally welcome.
Please submit your abstract at latest on June 15 to
More information and contacts in the PDF below.
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