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The next generation steps on board

The next generation steps on board

27 May 2019

500 children boarded when Sirius celebrated 25 years on Donsö. The state-of-the-art and environmentally-adapted Mercurius and the LNG bunkering vessel Coralius most certainly got some of the kids to dream of a future at sea.

"With full load, Mercury weighs more than the Eiffel Tower". "Mercurius emits almost five times less carbon dioxide per ton of cargo carried than the most fuel-efficient trucks". Such things children of different sizes learned along the path on board Mercury. Jonas Backman, CEO of Sirius Shipping, says that it was intentional to invite school classes from pre-school age and up to high school when celebrating their first 25 years.

”This is why we do this. Children and young people must see what we are working with so that they realize that shipping is an exciting industry. We must awaken the interest early on”, he says, and takes the opportunity to promote another event.

September 2, the day before Donsö Shipping Meet, a recruitment day is arranged where young people and study counselors are invited to Donsö to learn more about the industry and that there are a lot of professions to choose from - sea captain, economist, marine engineer, communicator, logistics, sailor ...

”We invite 20,000 young people, eights and nines from elementary school and two and threes from high school. Tankers, the coast guard, the police, the naval rescue, military - all will be here.

What is there to say about the 25-year-old Sirius then? According to Jonas Backman, Sirius is unique because the company is working with the leading energy companies by distribution vessels that run between their depot systems.
- We adapt to the customer's purposes all the time, even when it comes to construction and environmental requirements. We would not have been able to run the business we do if we did not adapt to the environmental requirements that the customer, authorities, and the world demand.

Sirius has 14 vessels in his fleet. The Group also includes Sirius Chartering and Vald. Andersons Shipagency.

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