The programme for the Almedalen week begins to take shape
The maritime industry creates new businesses and jobs! That is the message from the maritime sector at the Maritime Meeting Place during this year's Almedalen Week. Just as last year, the Meeting Place will be in the garden of Gotlandsbolaget, at Hamngatan 1 in Visby.
Lighthouse is a member of the group that organises the Maritime Meeting Place, together with the Maritime Forum, Swedish Shipowners´Associatione, Swedish Shipbrokers’ Association, Swedish Maritime Technology Forum and Ports of Sweden. Four joint lunch seminars are planned.
Monday, July 3: Climate challenge
Tuesday 4 July: Swedish exports
Wednesday, July 5: Passenger transport
Thursday, July 6: Blue growth
At the meeting place, other maritime actors will also arrange seminars. Keep a look out at the Lighthouse website and the Maritime Forum for the latest news about Almedalen Week.
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