Watch the seminar on the latest antifouling reserach
On November 19, Lighthouse and Chalmers hosted the seminar Latest Antifouling Research: Focus on Sustainable Shipping at Lindholmen in Gothenburg. Here, you can watch it afterwards and learn more about the decision support tool for hull maintenance, HullMASTER. A range of other related topics within antifouling research is also covered, including innovative antifouling coatings, the impact of biofouling on vessel performance, and socio-environmental perspectives.
The seminar is led by the Antifouling Research Group at the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology.
When: Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Location: Demostudion, plan 2, Lindholmen Science, Gothenburg
Organisers: Lighthouse & Chalmers
09.00: Seminar START
09.00-09.10: Welcome and Introduction
Lena Granhag and Erik Ytreberg, Chalmers University of Technology
Åsa Burman, Director at Lighthouse Swedish Maritime Competence Centre
09.10-09.45: Antifouling research at the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences
Maria Lagerström, Youngrong Kim, Emilie Adouane, Pauline Bollongino, and Peiyu Hou
- Getting to the Bottom – the quest for minimum effective biocide releases
- Sustainable ship hull maintenance strategies
- Novel antifouling coatings – Sustainability assessment of marine antifouling coatings
- Shipping as vector for transfer of invasive species
- Hazard and sustainability assessment of commercial antifouling coatings
09.45-10.20: Application of antifouling research and available facilities
- Uses of antifouling research in policy and practice – Erik Ytreberg, Chalmers
- Skin friction database – Michael Leer-Andersen, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
- Experimental work in flow – Ann Larsson, University of Gothenburg
10.20-10.35: Coffee break
10.35-11.45: Decision Support Tool for Sustainable Hull Maintenace – HullMASTER
- Introduction to the core modules of HullMASTER – Youngrong Kim, Chalmers
- Demonstration of HullMASTER focusing on sustainable hull maintenance strategies in the Baltic Sea – Youngrong Kim, Chalmers
11.45-12.00: Q&A and Closing remarks
12.00: Seminar END
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