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05 November 2018
No sustainabilty without human-centered design
It is not enough to focus on reduced emissions. In order to be sustainable, shipping should work as systematically with human-centered design (HCD)...
30 October 2018
Lars Nicklason new Communications Manager
On November 1, Lars Nicklason will be the Communications Manager at Lighthouse. He is the replace...
22 October 2018
Strong year for international shipping
Global shipping is growing faster than it has done in the last five years with a growth of 4 perc...
15 October 2018
Ice and restrictive land use policies problems for urban water transit
Water transit is the public transport form that increases mostly in Sweden's two largest cities. ...
12 October 2018
From Lighthouse trainee programme to Stena Teknik
After a year with the Lighthouse trainee programme, Claes Tretow has begun his employment at Sten...
09 October 2018
Financial claim, a possible use of PortCDM
PortCDM, part of the Sea Traffic Managment project, STM, has described in a new concept note, how...
01 October 2018
Collaboration and innovative systems for successful intermodal transport chains
Collaboration, innovative systems and shared resources can lead to better utilisation of short se...
26 September 2018
Seafarers important in future shipping
Even in the future, seafarers will have a significant impact on shipping even though shipping bec...
19 September 2018
Unique port conflict can cause irreversible damage
The conflict at APM Terminals in the port of Gothenburg is a unique conflict and have caused nega...
10 September 2018
Keys to successful waterborne public transports
How do different cities work with waterborne public transport? And what are the keys to successfu...
07 September 2018
Can money for reloading promote transfer of goods?
The Agency of Transport Analysis is tasked with analysing whether money for reloading could be an...
31 August 2018
Possibility to comment on the Swedish Maritime Strategy's follow-up work
The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management has developed proposals for indicators to foll...
29 August 2018
Authorities commissioned to work with the Swedish freight transport strategy
Since the national freight transport strategy was presented at the beginning of this summer, the ...
28 August 2018
Lighthouse supports major investment in fossil free freight transport
In a new major program about fossil free freight transports, the Swedish Transport Administration...
24 August 2018
Call for articles on Short Sea Shipping
Professor Johan Woxenius and Lighthouse postdoctor Anastasia Christodoulou, both at the Depa...
20 August 2018
New lic from Chalmers: Voyage optimization algorithms for ship safety and energy-efficiency
In the beginning of the summer, Helong Wang at Chalmers Department of Mechanics and Maritime Scie...
12 July 2018
Call for projects: Winter Navigation Research Board
The Finnish Transport Safety Agency, the Finnish Transport Agency and the Swedish Maritime Admini...
06 July 2018
Future shipping fuels were discussed in Almedalen
Lighthouse's seminar in Almedalen was about the shipping fuels of the future and attracted betwee...
06 July 2018
Maritime research at the Maritime Meeting place in Almedalen
More resources for maritime research and development, strong maritime clusters and shared r...