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28 October 2016
Benefits and challenges of an autonomous transport system
A future autonomous transport system comes with both great benefits and major challenges. And it's important to see the consequences automation bri...
28 October 2016
IMO sets 2020 as date for 0.5 % global sulphur cap
The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has decided that shipping by the year 2020 shall re...
21 October 2016
Late decarbonisation of shipping comes with a high cost
Shipping needs to start its decarbonisation imminently, that is the conclusion in the recent repo...
14 October 2016
ICS chairman Esben Poulsson impressed with Swedish inventiveness
This week Esben Poulsson, the newly elected chairman of ICS, the International Chamber of Shippin...
13 October 2016
The Lighthouse network grows
Lighthouse is pleased to announce a new member. IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute has ...
06 October 2016
Watch our seminar about renewable shipping fuel
(Video not available.) By 2030, Sweden will have a vehicle fleet that is independent of fossil...
06 October 2016
Norway opens test area for autonomous ships
Norwegian Maritime Authority and the Norwegian Coastal Administration have signed an agreement wh...
29 September 2016
Lighthouse maps out maritime research and innovation in the Nordic countries
Lighthouse has been given a task from the Swedish Maritime Administration to map out and analyse ...
26 September 2016
Finland pushes for autonomous shipping
Autonomous shipping is one of the hottest issues within the maritime sector. It is apparent in th...
22 September 2016
Searching for the best routes across the Baltic Sea
Since 2014, the Baltic Sea has been hydrographical surveyed in the project Famos, this summe...
13 September 2016
First research call from the Swedish Mercantile Marine Foundation
For the first time, the Swedish Mercantile Marine Foundation, has made a call for research fundin...
09 September 2016
Research call: Renewable fuels and systems
The Swedish Energy Agency and the Swedish knowledge center (f3) announces a research call for two...
25 August 2016
Time for dialogue meetings about inland waterways and coastal shipping
The Swedish Maritime Administration has been tasked by the government to analyse the development ...
19 August 2016
Consequences of nitrogen emission control area for shipping to be investigated
The Swedish Government will investigate the consequences for Swedish industry by the introduction...
11 July 2016
Wide range of maritime issues during Almedalen Week
Over 40 seminars, hearings, meetings and mingling on several different scenes. Shipping and the m...
06 July 2016
Almedalen video - Lighthouse Postdoctoral programme, unique investment on maritime research
(Video not available) In a unique postdoctoral program launched by Lighthouse we offer several...
05 July 2016
Almedalen video - autonomous safety on vessels
(Video not available.) Medverkande: Åsa Burman, verksamhetschef, LighthousePer-Erik Holmber...
05 July 2016
Lighthouse postdoctoral programme - unique focus on maritime research
The Swedish Maritime Competence Centre, Lighthouse, is working for a competitive, sustainable and...
04 July 2016
An outlook on autonomous safety on vessels
Self-driven trains, autonomous vehicles, drones in the air. Whether it's rail, road or air, unman...