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04 July 2016
Almedalen video - Sjöfarten, en del av samhällets hållbara tillväxt?
(Video not available.) Hur skulle vattenvägen kunna vara en del av samhällets hållbara tillväxt och komplettera befintlig infrastruktur för urba...
22 June 2016
Call for projects - Finnish-Swedish Winter Navigation Research Board
Finnish-Swedish cooperation within the Winter Navigation Research Board started in 1972 and is ba...
20 June 2016
Sweden hosted the 15th International Ship Stability Workshop
Great summer days welcomed 88 participants from 19 different countries to the 15th edition of the...
14 June 2016
A big welcome to two new Lighthouse trainees
The Lighthouse trainee programme gives newly graduated Naval Architects from Chalmers and KTH the...
08 June 2016
Recovered waste heat can give significant fuel savings
Much of the energy a ship produces are lost in the form of exhaust gases. But if you took better ...
07 June 2016
Use of low-sulphur residual marine fuel oils not enough to reduce particle emissions from shipping
Reduced sulphur content in marine fuel oils will not be the only solution for reducing particle e...
24 May 2016
Optimised loading prized at Shipping's Entrepreneur Day
As the name of the day suggests, the Shipping's Entrepreneur Day is about the driving forces in t...
24 May 2016
Future visions during European Maritime Day
European Maritime Day in Turku, Finland, served a plate of various topics this year. Environment,...
19 May 2016
Shipping on Swedish Energy Agency's agenda
Calls of 45 million SEK for energy efficiency in the transport sector and the conversion to non-f...
18 May 2016
Mariners inventiveness awarded
The inventiveness of Swedish mariners is great said Christer Themnér, chairman of the Swedish Mer...
11 May 2016
The development of a model for energy consumptions in shipping technology
There are a number of ways to make shipping more energy efficient. In his research Francesco Bald...
04 May 2016
Focus on dialogue when world's leading researchers in ship stability gathers in Stockholm
Faster vessels that load more cargo, that use less fuel, that affect the environment as little as...
04 May 2016
Lighthouse in Almedalen
An exciting Almedalen week is coming up and if you are interest in maritime issuses, , there will...
02 May 2016
The port - an actor with million job opportunities
Everyone should sit down and study the harbour, said MEP Christoffer Fjellner, who was a speaker ...
26 April 2016
Video: How can sustainability demands be driving forces for business and technology?
(Video not available.) Program 09.30 Inledning och välkomna Karina Linnér, SMTF, VD, o...
25 April 2016
Dare to invest in innovative transportation on water
Water transports must be included when the infrastructure is being planned and built in Gothenbur...
22 April 2016
How a holistic, generic model can increase energy efficiency in shipping
While much research is focused on specific components of a ship such as main engine, boilers, pro...
19 April 2016
Video from our seminar: The energy efficient shipping sector
(Video not available.) A vessel's energy consumption has become increasingly important in ship...
18 April 2016
Flow at Alfa Laval - a trainee's report
Karl Blomberg is one of Lighthouse trainees this year, read about his meeting with Stokes' law an...