Latest Antifouling Research focus on Sustainable Shipping – Gothenburg + online (2)
Welcome to a seminar that will cover a demonstration of the hull maintenance decision-support tool HullMASTER, along with a range of related antifouling research topics, including innovative antifouling coatings, the impact of biofouling on vessel performance, and the socio-environmental perspectives.
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and engage in discussions. We look forward to your participation!
The seminar is led by the Antifouling Research Group at the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology. It will be held in a hybrid format (both online and in-person) and is open to all participants interested in sustainable antifouling topics, including but not limited to authorities, ports, and ship operators.
The seminar will also be streamed via Zoom. If you wish to participate online, please indicate this under "other information" in the registration form.
When: Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Location: Demostudion, plan 2, Lindholmen Science, Gothenburg
Organisers: Lighthouse & Chalmers
09.00: Seminar START
09.00-09.10: Welcome and Introduction
Lena Granhag and Erik Ytreberg, Chalmers University of Technology
Åsa Burman, Director at Lighthouse Swedish Maritime Competence Centre
09.10-09.45: Antifouling research at the Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences
Maria Lagerström, Youngrong Kim, Emilie Adouane, Pauline Bollongino, and Peiyu Hou
- Getting to the Bottom – the quest for minimum effective biocide releases
- Sustainable ship hull maintenance strategies
- Novel antifouling coatings – Sustainability assessment of marine antifouling coatings
- Shipping as vector for transfer of invasive species
- Hazard and sustainability assessment of commercial antifouling coatings
09.45-10.20: Application of antifouling research and available facilities
- Uses of antifouling research in policy and practice – Erik Ytreberg, Chalmers
- Skin friction database – Michael Leer-Andersen, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
- Experimental work in flow – Ann Larsson, University of Gothenburg
10.20-10.35: Coffee break
10.35-11.45: Decision Support Tool for Sustainable Hull Maintenace – HullMASTER
- Introduction to the core modules of HullMASTER – Youngrong Kim, Chalmers
- Demonstration of HullMASTER focusing on sustainable hull maintenance strategies in the Baltic Sea – Youngrong Kim, Chalmers
11.45-12.00: Q&A and Closing remarks
12.00: Seminar END
Startar | 2024-11-19 9:00 |
Slutar | 2024-11-19 12:00 |
Platser | 58 |
Plats | Lindholmen Science Park |