ELÄTTRA – Utilization of high-strength steel for weight reduction of large electric ships
Contact: Ramin Moshfegh,
This document is the final report for the innovation project ELÄTTRA, which is part of Trafikverket’s industry program “Hållbar Sjöfart”. This program is run by Lighthouse and the project has been conducted by RISE Research Institutes of Sweden and Chalmers University of Technology in cooperation with the industrial partners Stena Rederi AB, MacGregor AB, and SSAB.
The ELÄTTRA project is a follow-up project of the Lighthouse project Electric Light, in which an electric driven RoPax was conceptualized and designed. The Electric Light project concluded that it is crucial to construct electric ships with lightweight and fire-safe materials, which implies that extra high-strength steels are more suitable than aluminum and composite materials for this type of ship structure. Currently, extra high-strength steels are only recommended for building highly specialized applications onboard ships according to class rules. The ELÄTTRA project investigated the potential of re-designing ship structures and sub-structures using extra high-strength steels. The main goal is to develop a practical engineering approach for structural design/optimization of deck structures and the effects on weight reduction. Deck structures of Ro-Ro ships have been selected as the representative structural components to demonstrate the proposed methodology.
The project has carried out the following activities:
- Evaluation of the buckling capacities as well as the weight-reduction potential of the re-design using extra high-strength steels.
- Optimization with respect to weight, taking the increased tensile strength, buckling, and deflection as constraints.
- Estimation of fatigue life reduction when introducing extra high-strength steels.
- Non-linear buckling behaviors with initial imperfection.
The results from this project show that the proposed methodology is a suitable tool for structural re-design and optimization when introducing extra high-strength steel. In addition, in this work, we selected a Stena RoPax and carried out strength analyses of the car-deck and the stern-ramp. For the car-deck, linear buckling and non-linear analyses were conducted and compared. For the stern-ramp, we focused on the strength check of the limits of the deflection that is specified by the class rules. These analyses again highlighted the great weight-reduction potential of introducing extra high-strength steels in Ro-Pax vessels.
Elin Frändberg, ny koordinator på Lighthouse
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