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Hydrogen, ammonia, and battery-electric propulsion for future shipping

Hydrogen, ammonia, and battery-electric propulsion for future shipping

11 december 2023

Contact: Selma Brynolf, Chalmers Den här e-postadressen skyddas mot spambots. Du måste tillåta JavaScript för att se den.

For a shift towards decarbonization of the shipping sector, it is important to switch to alternative fuels for ships. Recently, interest is gaining in hydrogen, ammonia, and battery-electric as these can enable zero-carbon emissions during ship operation. The project aims to deepen the life cycle knowledge on the environmental and economic sustainability of decarbonization pathways based on hydrogen, ammonia, and direct electrification and related propulsion system for ships. The life cycle knowledge based on system thinking obtained in this project will benefit actors that are involved in the complex task of choosing or regulating marine fuels and propulsion technologies. 

Selma Brynolf, Fayas Kanchiralla, Elin Malmgren, Chalmers University of Technology Joanne Ellis, Tobias Olsson, RISE (former SSPA) Julia Hansson, Erik Fridell, IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute 

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