Information Portal to Simplify the Development and Use of Maritime Transport

The Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) proposes in a new report the creation of an independent information portal to promote maritime transport. The portal will consolidate information on how new shipping routes can be established, aiming to reduce administrative barriers.
Trafikverket was tasked by the government to develop a proposal for a joint information portal for maritime transport. The initiative stems from a case in 2022, when a shipping company planned to launch a new maritime route. The plan involved acquiring a vessel, registering it in the Swedish ship registry, and putting it into operation at ports not adapted for the vessel type or cargo in question. In addition, issues arose regarding port fees, maritime subsidies, and pilot exemptions. The extensive number of governmental contacts, decisions, and permits resulted in a prolonged process. This led the shipping company and its customer to ultimately abandon the project. These challenges were highlighted in the interim report on the coordination assignment submitted in March 2023.
The proposed portal aims to simplify the process of starting new shipping routes by reducing administrative hurdles, such as those encountered in the case above. It will compile all necessary information on how to establish domestic and short-sea shipping, facilitating new transport solutions and providing better conditions for maritime transport growth.
Currently, information on starting new shipping routes is highly specialized and targeted at a limited audience. To increase its utility, Trafikverket recommends broadening the portal's scope to include more stakeholders in the maritime transport chain—not only shipping companies but also ports, transport buyers, and authorities. Furthermore, the portal should cover both scheduled services and tramp shipping, where vessels operate without fixed routes or timetables.
Portal Design and Hosting
Trafikverket suggests that the portal should not be integrated into an existing authority's platform but instead launched as a standalone website with its own domain. This approach would enhance clarity for users and better align with the scope of the assignment.
Development and Costs
The development of the portal is expected to cost approximately SEK 2.3 million, with annual maintenance costs around SEK 1 million. Responsibility for covering these costs remains undecided. None of the relevant authorities—Sjöfartsverket (Swedish Maritime Administration), Trafikverket, or Transportstyrelsen (Swedish Transport Agency)—currently has this within their remit. However, one of them should assume primary responsibility for the portal. Trafikverket suggests allocating specific funds for this purpose and recommends a time-limited assignment of, for example, three years. After this period, the portal could be evaluated and adjusted as needed.
Elin Frändberg, ny koordinator på Lighthouse
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